Waking the Woken

(July 1, 2017)

This past week Doctor Bones wrote a text entitled “Anarchists Failed Philando Castile and They Have Failed Black Americans” that covers the expanses that anarchists in the USA are failing at. The text takes some strong words towards “woke anarchists” saying that:


Local and World Politics

(May 5th, 2017)

The world of politics has certainly been a wild ride for the books this year. This week alone, with elections coming up in France and the ever ongoing process of governments across the world making drastic headlines with the love-hate relationship of mainstream media, we look towards how this pertains to the world of anarchism.


Anarchism and the need for a new art

desert or dessert?

A translation from Acracia [1]

- stalking the earth (September 30th, 2018)


August 2018, by Quijano Araucano

This text is directed towards young anarchists (among them me) who are as lost as usual, more lazy than ever and each time (discovered with terror and fatigue) more scare. As Roberto Bolaño (1953-2003) has mentioned, in numerous texts and interviews, literature, now more than any other historical moment, suffers a state of stagnation and decomposition never seen before, even more so in this strip of land in the south of the world, where thanks to 18 years of tyranny and barbarism the situation turned out to be (and still is) of an even greater severity.


Cuba: Images and a review of the opening of ABRA, La Habana

A translation from El Libertario

- stalkingtheearth - May 13th, 2k18

May 5th 2018, by Isbel Díaz

No packed room, no audio or microphones, no promotion on social networks or email lists. Those who came were those who wanted and were able to, and it was enough.
More than 30 people where present this past 5th of May 2018 in Lawton, to help found between everyone the ABRA Social Center and Libertarian Library.


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Volcano Reclus: The mysterious anarchist volcano of Patagonia

those anarchist volcanoes are mysterio

A translation from Noticias & Anarquía

- stalkingtheearth - July 14th, 2k17

Located 25 kilometers [15.5 miles] from Torres del Paine National Park and some 125 kilometers [77.7 miles] northeast of Puerto Natales, on the basin that feeds the glacier Amalia, in the region of Magallanes, stands a mythical volcano. The first record of the volcano, dates to 1879, when the crew of the schooner Alert witnessed its eruption and named it Reclus in honor of the anarchist and celebrated founder of social geography, Élisée Reclus. Afterward, in the early years of the 20th century, the Swedish geologist P. Quense tried to locate the exact location of the eruption. However, they confused it with the hill “Mano de Diablo”.


Anarchism Against Time

A translation from Reflexiones desde Anarres, May 2nd, 2k17

- stalkingtheearth


Anarchism Against Time[Anarquismos a contratiempo][1] is the new book by Tomás Ibáñez, recently edited by Virus in their Essay Collection, a work that invites us, from a libertarian and emancipatory spirit, radical and innovative, to reflect on the present, that is not to be confused with the march to despair.


[Spanish State] Communiqué from anarchists Mónica Cabellero and Francisco Solar

Text we recently translated from contra info

- stalkingtheearth


Received on March 10th, 2017:

(These words arrived with a delay due to the restrictive communications of the Spanish extermination centers. On March 7th, 2017 Mónica and Francisco were finally released to Chile, where they were greeted with a great deal of media and repressive threats. Finally today, they have returned to the street with their dignity intact.)


Clandestine group "Anarquistas al Combate" makes a call for autonomy in Colombia

We recently translated this text from Ruptura Colectiva

- stalkingtheearth

In the afternoon of the first of March, the clandestine group “Anarquistas al Combate” took the P building of the National Pedagogical University in the city of Bogotá, Colombia, making a call to the student community to resume the process of autonomy and rebellion in their discussions and practices in and outside of the university space. The militant hooded ones painted some slogans on the walls of the building and strongly rejected the more than 120 assassinations of community leaders and defenders of human rights[1] in just 14 months in all of Columbia, specifically in a political context mediated by peace, side by side with the serious – and cowardly – paramilitary attacks against social fighters.



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